Art Attack

Wool Lampshade 

To make this lampshade we need wool, balloon, cornstarch and glue. Inflate the balloon to the required size. Next the wool or thread needs to be dipped in a mixture of cornstarch, glue and water in the correct consistency (not too thick or thin). Start wrapping the balloon with the wool randomly but keeping a space in top corner. This space would be used to insert the bulb/wiring for the lamp. Continue wrapping the balloon but ensure the wool is sticking to each other. Let it dry overnight. Once it is fully dry the balloon is deflated and taken out and the lamp is ready. It can be used on a stand or a hung from the ceiling with the help of wiring. It can be used as a centerpiece of dinner parties and smaller wool balls can be used as christmas ornaments.

Wool Lampshade- used as a centerpiece 

Acrylic and Egg shell painting 

Recycled CD coasters 

Old and damages cd were used to make these simple coasters. First coat the cd with acrylic colour and let it dry. Preferably use black and blue because it acts as a strong base coat and easier to scrape off. Do experiment with other colours as well. Once it is dry, use something sharp and pointed like a pencil or old pen refill to scrape out the colours. Whichever part you scrape out shows the real cd colour. Use your creativity to make any design you want to. Put varnish on top of it to make it resistant and it is ready to use.

Necklaces with wool and beads 


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