Quilling me softly !
Quiling is an art form that involves using paper strips that are rolled,shaped and glued together to create decorative designs. The paper is wound around a quill to create a basic coil shape. The paper is then glued at the tip and these shaped coils are arranged to form flowers, leaves and various ornamental patterns similar to ironwork.
Basic Quilling shapes
Quiling has become an easy craft these days and many many tools are available in the market. Pre-cut papers, needle, embossing tools, paper crimpers, quilling combs etc are easily available to create even the most complicated designs.
With a little bit of patience you can create many wonderful things. I have created these without using a quilling kit but only paper strips, rolled by hand.
Quilling cards
Designer bottle with quilling
Handmade photo frame with quilling work
Quilled book marks