'Tis the season to be jolly...

'Tis the season to be jolly.....deck the halls with bough of holly....

Hey everyone! Holidays season is here and I have been busy creating easy DIY holiday decorations with my children. Since I teach grade 1,I had to think of simple and easy to make  decorations that 6 year old can make. Most of the things we used was either recycled or readily available. Here's a peak into what my class made for Christmas this year. Hope you guys can use some of the ideas.

 Have a fabulous Christmas !

My class made this Christmas board where the jotted their wishes to Santa Claus. 

Christmas tree made out of hand cuts. 

Children traced their own hand prints and cut it out using safety scissors. They then decorated it with their own imagination using glitter, sequins, stickers, cotton, hand prints etc. We later attached it together and gave it the shape of a Christmas tree. It is quite easy to do and fun. It can be an interesting project for children to work upon. The small gifts on the tree were made by using recycle 
match boxes covered in old gift wrapping paper.

The same hand print cut out was used to make this Santa. Children decorated it using paint, cotton and googly eyes. 

Reindeer made out of hand print cutouts.  Cotton dabbed into red colour was used to make nose. The antlers were made out of flexi- wire and shaped accordingly. 

Christmas wreath- made out of the same cutouts. It was embellished with simple ribbon and glitter. 

Christmas night through window.

Children coloured white sheets with dark blue wax crayons to give the impressions of night. On a separate sheet of paper the doodle pine tree using sketch pens, moon and Santa's sleigh. We pasted it on the window panes and in the end added golden star cut outs and small cotton balls to represent snow. 

Christmas ornaments- Children were given cutouts in the shape of Christmas ornaments where they wrote their wish of this years Christmas. 

For more ideas on how to make DIY Christmas decorations that a simple and different- refer to the older post on Christmas. (http://mindgoneastray.blogspot.com/2012/12/christmas-is-here.html )


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